Author Guideline

The following requirements must be met when submitting an article to the Journal of Teaching and Education for Scholars (JOTES):

  1. Authors may only submit one article as the first author in a single volume. Additional submissions as a second or subsequent author are allowed within the same volume. Further submissions can be made once the volume and issue have been published.

Submission Instructions

Before submitting, please ensure the following:

  • Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively through the Open Journal System (OJS) of JOTES. Submissions via email or WhatsApp will not be processed for review or publication.
  • All manuscripts must adhere to the provided template. The template can be downloaded jotes_template.
  • References must use reference management tools (e.g., Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote) and follow the APA 7th Edition style format.

Scope and Writing Requirements

  • Articles submitted to JOTES must be in English and must not have been published or be under consideration elsewhere.
  • The focus and scope include topics such as teaching models, education, learning strategies, and other areas related to teaching and education.
  • Manuscripts should range between 4000-8000 words, written in MS Word format, using Tahoma 11 for the main text and Tahoma 10 for additional details. Line spacing should be single-spaced. For more specific formatting instructions, download the template.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Title and Headings:

    • The title should use the "Capitalize Each Word" format.
    • Headings should follow this structure:
      • Heading 1: Bold
      • Heading 2: Bold and Italic
  2. Article Structure:

    • Non-Research Articles must include:
      1. Title (with footnotes for article type).
      2. Full contributor names without titles (include footnotes for the corresponding author).
      3. Abstract (maximum 250 words).
      4. Keywords (maximum 5).
      5. Introduction.
      6. Discussion.
      7. Conclusion.
      8. Acknowledgements (if applicable).
      9. References.
    • Research Articles must include:
      1. Title (with footnotes for article type).
      2. Full contributor names without titles (include footnotes for the corresponding author).
      3. Abstract (maximum 250 words).
      4. Keywords (maximum 5).
      5. Introduction (Heading 1) and Literature Review (Heading 2).
      6. Methods.
      7. Results and Discussion:
        • Results and Discussion should be presented as separate Heading 2 sections.
      8. Conclusion:
        • Include limitations and implications.
      9. Acknowledgements (if applicable).
      10. References.
  3. Author Biographies:

    • At the end of the manuscript, include a brief biography for all authors (maximum 50 words each).

Publication Process

  • The journal follows a continuous publication model, accepting submissions year-round without specific deadlines.
  • Articles are reviewed as they are submitted and published continuously once they are formatted and accepted.
  • JOTES publishes two issues per year, in May and November.

By adhering to these guidelines, you ensure a smoother submission process and increase the likelihood of your manuscript being considered for publication. If you have any questions, please consult the detailed author guidelines available on the JOTES website.